Queen Contest

We are no longer accepting applications for the 2024 Clearfield County Fair Queen Contest. Please be on the lookout for our 2025 Clearfield County Fair Queen Contest applications in the future.

Each contestant must:

  • Be a female who is a U.S. citizen and a resident of Pennsylvania. (If your legal residence is outside of Clearfield County, you must declare Clearfield County Fair as your predominate fair and not enter any other fair queen contest.)
  • Be sixteen years of age and not over twenty years old by June 1st.
  • Have not been a former Clearfield County Fair Queen winner, nor a former Pennsylvania State Fair Queen contestant or winner.
  • Not hold any other State title for any other commodity group or pageant during her reign.
  • Have her parents or guardians' consent if under 18 years of age.
  • All contestants must be of the female gender.
  • Be single, never married, have had no children and must not marry, nor become pregnant during her reign.
  • Be willing to promote the Clearfield County Fair by speaking at dinner meetings, club dinners, public affairs, etc.
  • Be available to reign for a period of one year.
  • Be willing to work around livestock, such as cattle, horses, sheep, swine, and poultry.
  • Be willing to write a 300 word or less essay on what the Clearfield County Fair means to my community.
  • Be willing to attend the Clearfield County Fair every day.
  • Be willing to participate in fundraising events for the Queens For A Cause Program - Children's Miracle Network & Local Charities.
  • Be available to attend the Pennsylvania State Fair Association's Queen Contest in January for four days. (All expenses will be paid by the Clearfield County Fair and Park Board for the Queen and one parent/guardian only)
  • Have proof of graduation must be presented if already out of high school.


Fair Queen - $500

1st Runner-up $200

2nd Runner-up $100

3rd Runner-up $50

4th Runner-up $25


1. Written Essay on the topic “What My Fair Means to My Community”. (300 words or less) One sided, type written in 11 or 12 font size, a minimum of 1 ½ inch spacing, 1” margins, and on white paper. Must be submitted no later than July 11th (mail to PO Box 712 Clearfield, PA 16830 or brought to the second meeting in a sealed envelope). Judging Criteria: Content, Grammar, and Spelling

2. Personal Interview – each contestant will meet alone with the panel of (3) judges on Sunday, July 30th. Contestant will be notified of time in advance. Interview will last no longer than (6) minutes and take place in Expo II, Queen’s Office. Contestants may familiarize themselves on the Fair utilizing the Fair Website, Fair Facebook Page, and Fair Tabloid (printed by The Progress). Other useful websites on the fair industry are: www.agriculture.state.pa.us, www.apd.cas.psu.edu Judging Criteria: Conversational ability, the answers to the questions, appearance/poise, activities, and knowledge of the fair industry.

3. Speech Presentation on the topic “Why You Should Come to My Fair”. (3-5 minutes; timed event). Persuasive speech appropriate for an audience of adults. The audience is the panel of (3) judges along with the audience. Props that enhance this speech for this targeted audience are permitted, but not required. Contestants are judged on the effectiveness of their public speaking skills; not “entertainment”. Overhead projectors or Power point presentations are not permitted. Judging Criteria: speech content (to include agriculture), speech format, conveying a message, public speaking ability, and poise/presence.

4. Evening Gown/Introduction – this segment is conducted following Speech Presentations. Each Contestant makes a personal introduction to the audience, similar to that which a Fair Queen would give when visiting a Fair or other public event. The Contestant has approximately 30 seconds to make this introduction. Judging Criteria: content, stage presence, and appearance.

5. Impromptu Question – The top five contestants will be given an impromptu question on stage. All top five contestants will be asked the same question. Each of the top five contestants will be brought on stage individually while the remaining contestants are sequestered back stage. There is no set judging criteria for this segment. The judges may use this segment to assist in making their final decision. In the event there are fewer than (7) contestants, each contestant will be given the impromptu question following their evening gown/ introduction. In this event, each contestant will be brought to the stage individually while the remaining contestants are sequestered back stage.